My name is Jackie Ryan, and for the last 10 years I have been traveling the world with my husband, per the demands of the United States Marine Corps. I am a wife and mama of 5 beautiful little girls: Lorelai, Harper, Emerson, Oakley and Steelie. Prior to my first birth in 2016, I had no birth education knowledge. I took the lamaze class offered by the local naval hospital, but other than that all I knew was that at some point contractions would start, I would be 10cm and push a baby out. That was the extent of my birth classes, that and a few breathing techniques they taught. I loved the idea of a water birth, but when the local hospital told me that wasn't an option, I didnt really look much more into it. I figured I would just go with the flow when the time came. My husband was deployed when our first was born, so I found myself on the other side of the country giving birth for the first time, luckily both my mom and mother in law were able to be with me. I dont have any "regrets" with how my birth went. No trauma, just a lot of learning happened at that birth. I felt extremely pressured to "speed things along" and felt like no one trusted that my body would do what it was supposed to do. After she was born I learned that there was a lot of things I COULD have said No to. But I didn't realize I was "allowed" to.
In 2017, 6 of my friends all gave birth. At the time I was photographing in Southern California and found myself falling in love with birth photography, as each of my friends asked me to be there for their big day. The first couple of births I attended, I still didnt know much. Only what I had experienced in my own birth. Because I knew them all personally, naturally I found myself cheering them on. By the end of the year I learned what a doula was and thought to myself "this is what I was made to do".
The more training I took on, the more and more passionate I became about this work.

HERBAL Labor Doula Training - Feb 2018
HERBAL Lactation Educator Training - October 2018
Brilliant Birth Academy Placenta Encapsulation Training - March 2019
Bloodborne Pathogens training for the Professional Encapsulator - March 2019
The VBAC Link VBAC Training for the Professional Doula - August 2019
The VBAC Link Doula Course - November 2019
Hypnobabies Doula Training - Spring 2020
Massage Techniques & Reflexology for the Professional Doula Training - June 2020
Ten's Unit Training for Labor - October 2020
Spinning Babies Training - February 2021
HERBAL Certified Labor Doula April 2018 - CLD
Brilliant Birth Academy Placenta Encapsulation Raw & Traditional Method Certified May 2019
Using Tens for Labor - DoulaVersity October 2020
Certified VBAC Doula - The VBAC Link January 2020
My goal in telling you this, is hopes that I am able to give another woman the confidence to have the birth that she deserves. I don't want to advocate for you, but rather teach you to be your own advocate for yourself. I want to help women find the voice that is inside of them, and not cower down to doctors just because what they want suits their time table. Because as we all know, babies come when THEY are ready, not because we have modern medicine that can make them come out on our own.
I want to empower as many women as I can to be in control of their own birth. whether it is your first, second, or third birth. Whether you want to try medicated, non medicated, VBAC, water birth, home birth, or cesarean. Every woman deserves to have someone who cares about what SHE wants. Allow me to take just a little weight off your shoulders, and be there for you in whatever capacity you need me to be.